Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Post show discussions

Wednesday, 5/6, following the preview performance: How we see, feel and respond to “commercialized” beauty.

Becky Roloff, CEO of YWCA Minneapolis
Linda Keene, CEO of the Girl Scouts of MN and WI River Valleys
Chan Poling, writer and producer - Venus
Jennifer Leigh Warren, lead actor - Venus

Sunday, 5/17, following the 2p matinee performance: How we can engender healthy attitudes and behaviors toward beauty in our children.

Nancy Gruver, founder of New Moon magazine and daughters.com
Joe Kelly, founder of thedadman.com and best‐selling author
Kitty Westin, Board President, Eating Disorders Coalition

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Anoka Ramsey CC and St. Francis High School students discuss producing a new musical with, from left: Anita Ruth (music director), Donna Bachman (production coordinator), Mike Murnane (lighting designer), Blayn Lemke (theater professor ARCC), and Chan Poling (composer). We had a blast! (as always click on the photo to enlarge)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This is the “DISCUSSION” side of the blog. I want everyone to chime in, share with friends, teachers and family. Discuss. Here’s the deal: The show VENUS deals with some vital and interesting issues – self-esteem, fitting-in, body-image, what, exactly is cool - that bring up some interesting points. And young people are responding – girls and their mothers especially.

So let’s talk more about that.

It’s a story about learning to accept yourself as you age, it’s a tender love story… and damn it is funny… but it’s also about a society where young women are taught it is better to be pretty than to be smart.

Since I began writing this show I’ve kept an old yellowed news clipping on my desk, a letter from Alle Hall commenting on what a vice president of Disney’s consumer products division said about their Cinderella line. The Disney spokeswoman said: “She has almost everything a girl needs: a fairy godmother, royal ball, fabulous ball gowns, royal coach…” I’ve always loved Alle’s response and feel it really speaks to the heart of this show. She answered:

“There is nothing wrong with girls wanting to feel special and beautiful. May I suggest an alternate list as a surer way to get there: healthy self-esteem, intelligence, emotional and physical strength, integrity, good female friends and a loving family.
I chose List B.”

Alle C. Hall

Way to go, Alle! That about sums it up. But there’s more to hear, more to discuss.

I’d really welcome any thought that you might have on this subject. How have you experienced this sort of thing in your life? You can also enter our contest on youtube to be an extra on stage by just being your fun self! You can find it at www.youtube/group/venusmusical

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Let's take a crack at showing the world that "commercialized beauty" isn't all it's cracked up to be. That true beauty has as much to do with healthy self-esteem, integrity and intelligence as anything else. So, we invite you to share why you are uniquely beautiful inside and out.

Submit a 15 to 30 second video of yourself singing, dancing or doing whatever it is that makes you beautiful to


This isn't a popularity contest or talent competition. EVERYONE is welcome to enter: all ages, sizes, coolness quotients.

Winners will be invited to a special behind the scenes look at a Venus performance! Winners will be contacted via their YouTube account by May 15, 2009.